D.I.Y. Painting
Recently I have been hit with the craft bug. I just want to paint and create pretty much anything. The walls in my bed a room are so blah and i've been trying to find the right painting forever (at the right price...can you say broke college student!). After perusing the awesomeness that is Google, I came across a blog called Makeunder My Life. Jess made these incredible painting of a chevron pattern that I just had to try.

Taken from Makeundermylife.com
Jess' paintings
Materials needed:Materials Used:
stretched canvases
acrylic paint
Large, soft bristled brush
1 roll blue painters tape
Chevron pattern stencil found on Sunset.com via Kelly and Olive

Taken from Makeundermylife.com
After printing out your stencil you are going to use the thumbtacks to mark the zig-zag patterns. You do this by placing a thumbtack at every point on the stencil. (Peaks and Valleys) After this fill in the where the white would be on the stencil with blue painters tape.

Afterwards I just filled in the canvas with paint and waited for it to dry. After the paint had dried I removed the painters tape.

My finished product.My paintings are no where near as perfect as Jess' but I love them. The imperfections make them my own.