I will be moving within the next two months (somebody say hallelujah) and have started the process of decluttering. By decluttering I mean getting rid of my stashes of Vogue, Elle, Bazaar, and W (you will be missed). After lugging about 100 pounds of magazines to the recycling I felt lighter literally and spiritually. Its amazing how spaces influence your physical being. I dumped a couple of old rags as well as some stress. I would like to carry this euphoric feeling of clutter free living to the new apartment by embracing a minimalist lifestyle (except for shoes...because duh shoes lol). Below you'll find some gorgeous minimalist spaces I found via Pinterest as well as 5 tips to start living with less stuff.

5 Tips to Start Living With Less
1. If you can't remember the last time you used it..donate it
2. Keep counters clear (bath room, kitchen, dresser, etc.). Only keep out essential every day items
3. If you have two of something make it one. Try to keep duplicates to a minimum.
4. Think about your purchases and whether its something you actually need. (If its a necessity its a yes for me)
5. Keep a neutral color pallet (throw some pops of color in there to put some stank on it however)