Sweet Shorts ;)
The lovely people over at Sugarlips Apparel reached out to me to be apart of their blogger partnership program and I totally jumped at the chance. I was sent the Different Strokes Shorts and I heart them. They totally scream summer...summer...summer time (oooo sumertime). Uhhh did I just age myself?! Anywho... Sugarlips is located in California but they have an online store stocked with amazing pieces that are affordable. Check out there website HERE.

You can get these shorts here!

I paired the shorts up with a collared button up blouse from H&M. I love this shirt it is so versatile and it was only $12.95. Winning!

Y'all may remember my Steven by Steve Maddens. This shoe is still my everything. :)

I painted a Tiffany Blue accent wall in the addition to my room. As you can see im an excellent painter. Notice how no paint got on the floor. Le sigh...im not looking forward to refinishing the floors. Soooooo much work. Oneday ill give you guys a photo tour of my house and show yall all the things my sister and I have done.

This outfit is perfect for hanging out or a possible day date.
Once again a huge thank you to Sugarlips Apparel.
<3 Mel